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  • Revise your documents anywhere, at anytime and on any device using the cloud and Office 365.
  • Manage up to 500 Microsoft Windows computers in your enterprise using Microsoft Intune.
  • Rely on SQL Server for mission critical applications and enterprise business intelligence.

Microsoft Azure

  • Access your data from a central location using the cloud and Microsoft Azure.
  • Share images and documents across your corporate intranet using SharePoint Server.
  • Store, sync, collaborate and share your work files across multiple devices with ease and security with OneDrive for Business.

Networking and Enterprise Social

  • Use Teams to access enterprise voice features including web conferencing, instant messaging and Skype connectivity.
  • Leverage Microsoft Exchange to update your contacts and calendar then check your email.
  • Search and manage all your contacts, emails and social networks using Delve.
  • Collaborate across departments, locations and business apps using Yammer.

Volume Licensing and Software Assurance

  • Software Assurance for Volume Licensing offers a range of tools and resources to help your company deploy, manage and maximize your Volume Licensing purchases.
  • The program covers Microsoft technologies and services and includes new product version rights, training, deployment planning and support.
  • Software Assurance is designed to help improve productivity of IT professionals and end users in your organization and to help you extend the value of your technology investment.